Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Lovely Spam! Lovely Spam!

Wow! You bugger off for a couple of weeks and the spammers really go to town!

I came back here and it was like I had forgotten to cancel the milk before going on holiday (not that I did anything as exciting as going on holiday – I just sort of wandered off for a bit.)

Oh by the way, if you found this post by searching for Monty Python… sorry to fool you like that – just click this link and all will be well.

Anyway, I came back here and had to push the junk mail out of the way of my virtual front door before coming in. And just like in real life – I bent down, collected it all up and threw it all in the bin thinking “What was the point of that?”

Then I came in, made a cup of tea, sat down, wrote this and thought the same thing.

One Response to “Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Lovely Spam! Lovely Spam!”

  1. […] internet and that includes all of the more social elements of the internet. That Dalek knew that I Hate Spam and that “If I had a time machine I would go back in time and stop myself from writing […]

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